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Affectionately known as Lidu & Kema, Lydia and Aukema met in the 4th grade at Mary Williams Elementary. Their mutual interest for science and math strengthened their bond as they journeyed through middle school, and when they were both accepted into the Biotech and Engineering Program at Osbourn Park High School. 

Entering High School, the girls quickly realized that their differing concentrations drastically limited their interaction and the school’s extracurricular activities didn’t give them an opportunity to connect. In addition, the school’s extracurricular activities did not address their interest and needs as females in STEM. Therefore, they decided to start their own club. 

Initially, the girls' request to start a club was denied because the administration said that a similar club already existed. Nonetheless, the girls persisted and pointed out that their club specifically addressed the unique needs of females and females of color in STEM, and their club also addressed the role and the integration of Art. 

Their persistence paid off and the school approved their club. However, their success was short lived when the global pandemic of COVID-19 literally shut down the world.  Feeling paralyzed by the lack of physical connectivity the girls thought they would have to wait until the next school year to get the club off the ground. However, with some encouragement from their parents and nothing but time on their hands, the girls began to refocus and restrategize their approach and created Posse Empowerment. 

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We believe all girls can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

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Despite her background in STEAM, Aukema Fuller has taken her education to Spelman College to major in comparative women’s studies. She strives to continue to grow her career as an entrepreneur and educate those who didn’t receive the same opportunities in order to explore their own passions. The young CEO enjoys kayaking, hanging out with friends, and traveling in her free time. 


Aukema wants to make the world a more beautiful place and open up new opportunities to help innovate.  Her desire is to fill the gender gap so that females can have opportunities that didn’t come so easily for her or those who came before her.  

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As a young girl, Lydia had a fascination with human psychology. She loved observing the people around her and trying to figure out what dictated their behavior. This fascination gradually developed into a passion for biotechnology and neuroengineering.


As Lydia began to explore the connection between biomedicine and technology, she decided to pursue an education and career path in biomedical engineering. Although her current interests are within neurotech, she knows that she wants to use her entrepreneurial spirit to innovate, tackle social issues, and support young females in developing their STEAM skills and “Change the Narrative.” 


Currently, Lydia is studying at Cornell Engineering as a Ryan Scholar.

Lydia Yilekal
Co-Founder/Right Brain
Aukema Fuller
Co-Founder/Left Brain

Our Mission

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